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The Environmental Operations

The Environmental Operations Department handles the following responsibilities:

1- Manage the main operation room in the Ministry.

2- Put together contingency plans in the event of environmental disasters in coordination with the relevant administrative units and agencies.

3- Receive and address complaints and reports on environmental emergencies, disasters, and crises in coordination with the relevant administrative units, and submit reports on said incidents.

4- Report emerging environmental issues to the relevant administrative units and agencies in line with the plan put in place, and follow up on such issues, as well as provide the relevant data, information, and reports on those incidents for the relevant bodies.

5- Coordinate response plans with the relevant government agencies in the event of an environmental emergency.

6- Coordinate with public and private bodies on the matter of evacuation plans.

7- Maintain and assess the data received from early warning networks, and take the appropriate action guided by such data in coordination with the relevant administrative units and bodies.

8- Be involved in taking the necessary measures to respond and address environmental contamination incidents in coordination with the relevant bodies.

9- Write instant reports on the various complaints and reports sent to the Ministry through an interactive platform.