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The Marine Protection Department

The Land Protection Department handles the following responsibilities:

1- Establish regulations, instructions, and technical guidelines as to how identify the types of violations, breaches, and infringements against marine environment, as well as marine beings and coral reefs, and devise an appropriate mechanism to address and limit said offenses in accordance with environmental laws and resolutions.

2- Monitor practices related to littering and disposing of waste in the sea, as well as harmful and unlawful fishing practices. Relatedly, the Department is also responsible for protecting coral reefs and fisheries during breeding season, as well as from harmful environmental violations taking place in marine environment and the impact thereof, while also detecting violations in accordance with environmental laws and resolutions.

3- Monitor and protect marine sites and marine wildlife in Qatar, and design and implement plans to protect land wildlife in coordination and collaboration with the relevant bodies.

4- Detect environmental violations taking place in marine environments, and refer said violations to the relevant bodies, while also working on removing the roots of such violations.

5-Enforce domestic environmental laws and international treaties on the protection of marine and coastal environment. Furthermore, design and implement plans for regular monitoring and inspection in relation to the protection of marine and coastal environment.

6- Monitor any and all sources of damage, as well as practices and activities that might lead to harming the marine and coastal environment. To this end, the Department is also responsible for designing plans necessary to cover all marine sites in Qatar, and controlling the source of, and limit said offenses, and detecting their perpetrators, submitting regular reports on said violations in coordination with the relevant bodies.

7- Monitor the environmental situation of the marine and coastal environment and any emerging changes, and write reports on such changes.

8- Propose training programs for marine inspectors and work towards improving their competence and efficiency.