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Hamad Khalifa AlKhulaifi in brief

Qatari photographer and environmental activist; he started his environmental career after noticing a significant shortage in the ranks of migratory and endangered birds in the country. He then turned to research and reading about them, and made an archive of biodiversity in the Qatari environment through the information he collected, and decided to contribute to protecting the environment effectively by means of documentation with professional photography and many other initiatives

The most important environmental initiatives and campaigns

  • An initiative to release birds into the Qatari environment.
  • A campaign to distribute water tanks in some wild places
  • The Qatari Environment Lens initiative.
  • The initiative of distributing artificial nests, to assist in the breeding of birds of the Qatari environment.

His role in environmental awareness

AlKhulaifi has created accounts on social media platforms specialized in biodiversity, spreading environmental awareness in society, and had a significant impact on change and environmental preservation.

Environmental Pioneers

Environmental Pioneers